Energize your Organization, School or Business with an entertaining and inspiring program by professional speaker and educator...

Joe Fortunato

Joe Fortunato is a professional speaker, business leader, and nationally recognized educator on leadership, team building and personal success.

An honors graduate from Yale University, Mr. Fortunato has over 15 years of practical business experience.   After starting his career with NBC’s “Today Show”, Mr. Fortunato spent over a decade working within the Hollywood creative community, and has helped write and develop shows for NBC, ABC, CBS and FOX.  In recent years, he has worked with business executives all over the country to successfully build an international marketing organization focusing on training and developing strong leaders. 

More than just another Motivational Speaker, Joe Fortunato is a "Motivational Teacher"


In addition to his unique insights into Hollywood and the business world, Mr. Fortunato is also a former college football player who knows the value of teamwork, motivation and leadership.  Through his extensive background, Mr. Fortunato brings a wealth of practical and substantive information to his interactive seminars and programs.   His dynamic presentation skills and simple yet sound teaching methodology have quickly earned Mr. Fortunato the reputation of being one of the most sought after presenters in the country.  Known for his entertaining and informative programs, Joe Fortunato will provide you and your organization with an experience that is motivational, practical and memorable!



Motivating Individual Excellence

  • Create a personal game plan to achieve your goals
  • Learn how your mind can work for you... or against you!
  • Learn how to "Fail Forward"

Forging Successful Teams

  • Create and maintain an environment for growth
  • Learn how to build trust and synergy to advance productivity
  • Understanding the power of partnerships

Inspiring Dynamic Leadership

  • Learn how respected leaders Create and Maintain Direction, Inspiriation & Cohesion
  • Are you a leader if no one is following?
  • Master the habits necessary to build other strong leaders in your organization

Building a Career in Hollywood

  • Who can help you?  Who can't?
  • Learn how to get "in the door"
  • Avoid pitfalls that will hurt your career

All programs can be customized to meet your specific time and content needs.  

Discounts available to schools, non-profits and first-time clients.

For Booking Information contact Joe Fortunato at joe@fortunatogroup.com

Teamwork makes the dream work!